Sabtu, 10 April 2010



All I desire just to be with You
All You desire is everything in me

Never imagine that I could find, Love so faithfull cause on forever
Here I am waiting take my hand and all of me

As I come seek Your face, it’s new day fill with Your grace
Want You come dwelling me, Father have Your way
As You way magnify, all of my day u are glorify
Want You come dwelling me, Father have Your way

PS: I Need corrections again for you, cause I don’t think this lyric so correct, especially the word that I give blood text!! If You find some missing or error text please give correction again to me, thanks.

4 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

Bro, thanx bgt buat BLOG nya nich,, isinya mantap, lagu2 yg susah bgt dicari trnyata ada disini..
gw cm mau sdkt koreksi, dari lirik yg setau gw.. tp, klo trnyata masih krg tepat jg, mohon dimaklumi ya..
(tidak bermaksud menyinggung, ataupun menyalahkan,, just for the sake of art & worship to God)


All I desire just to be with You
All You desire is everything in me

Never imagine that I could find, Love so faithful goes on forever
So Here I am waiting take my hand and all of me

As I come seek Your face, it is new day filled with Your grace
Want You come dwelling me, Father have Your way
Let Your name be magnify, all of my days You are glorify
Want You come dwelling me, Father have Your way

warrior ultimate christian mengatakan...

hii... terimakasih sudah melihat blog saya... iya, ternyata salah yah... hehehehe.... nanti aku perbaiki deh..... thxGBU

Anonim mengatakan...

kayak ny hmpir smua lagu ad yg slah kak..
ttp maju y.. GBU
reQ album better days dunk.. ~.~
Father have Your way..

warrior ultimate christian mengatakan...

hehehe... thx yah udah mampir....
aduh malu bgt nih, banyak yg salah...

jujur aku posting semua lirik ini karna aku suka banget ama lagu ATMOSPHERE yg versi inggris n aku cari di internet koq gak ada?? akhirnya iseng2 dan cuma modal 'bahasa roh' doank... maksudx bonek doank... g pernah tes TOEFL ato kursus bahasa inggris, cuma nekat aja aku buat tulisan ini hehehehe....

maaf yah atas ketidaknyamanannya... untuk selanjutnya gak seperti ini lagi deh... hehehehe

untuk album better days aku sebetulx juga nyari linknya... ntar deh klo udah nemu aku publish disini... :)